Legacy Product Ranges
- Induction Motors; Impak, Flowpak, Flowpak 2, Unipak, Unipak 2, I Range
- Synchronous Motors; Unipak, Type A
- DC Machines: Types DR, DL, DRC, DLC
- Synchronous Generators; Unipak, Types GG, AG, AK
HV/MV Plug and Play Machines
100 years’ design and manufacturing experience as well as access to intellectual property (EM designs, schedules, drawings, test certificates, etc) to a historic product portfolio, allows Quartzelec the privilege of being able to continue to provide repeat, ‘plug and play’ replacement machines for all legacy brands.
A “plug and play” machine would be as close as effectively possible to a “duplicate” of the machine from the vintage family; where full alignment with the original is sought and the much needed commonality of spares is often provided. All positioning of foot fixings, shaft end details, shaft shoulder to front foot fixing hole, centre height, mains and auxiliary terminal boxes would be interchangeable.